Monday, October 10, 2011

baby steps: and then there were four...

We have been a family for four for seven weeks now. I can’t believe that time has flown by so fast. We all still in transition. Everyone is trying to find their place and routine from the dog to our daughters. I have to say Aurora has been wonderful with her baby sister, maybe a little too wonderful. She won’t go anywhere without her! It’s really cute. She won’t even take a bath unless Carolina is in the bathroom with us. I try and take her out of mother daughter dates and she won’t go unless the baby is with us. It’s a little frustrating but I think it’s really great at the same time.

Don’t get me wrong, Aurora has her bad moments too. That little green monster typically comes out when I’m trying to breast feed Carolina. Then suddenly Aurora is STARVING! Or needs to go potty or needs a drink or something. It’s pretty irritating. I try and make sure she’s all settled before I start feeding the baby, but somehow it doesn’t seem to help. I’ve gotten in the habit of putting snack out on the counter and I just hope that the dog doesn’t get them but at least Aurora can reach something she wants. She’s always been playing a lot of games on the computer. I don’t know if it’s good that she’s spending so much time on it but and are educational right? She’s like a wise kid on the computer! My parents don’t even know how to turn a computer on and here my three year old is navigating websites like a champ. She cracks me up.

Well, we’ll figure out how we all work together in time. In the meanwhile I’m enjoying watching my two little princesses grow. I have so much love and frustration for them I could pop!

How’s your family?

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are so cute!!!!!! Look at all the hair on your little baby!!
