Tuesday, June 28, 2011

unplugged and than some.

For the past week or two I’ve been almost completely unplugged. I didn’t really decide to do it, it just kind of happened. I just stopped writing blog post and didn’t really “tweet” nearly as much as I was. I didn’t feel bad about it, nor did the world end, and my phone and computer didn’t blow up they were just silent items I had around.

I was feeling rather overwhelmed between school, family, blogging and Etsy. It was a lot for me to take on and my fuel tank was running on empty. While I finished up my last course before the break I really poured myself into the class. My grade was sinking to beginning with and I had to pull it up somehow. I was completely stressed about it and ready to give up. Wait, give up school? For what exactly? As much as I love to blog and craft nothing should be more important than finishing my degree, well, other than family. When I finally came to the realization that, that was truly what I was contemplating I snapped out of it immediately! I’ve come this far and worked way too hard to just through it all away. With a more positive mentality behind me I managed to pull out a decent grade in the class and some really nice photo projects. The first projects I’ve ever done for school that I’m actually proud of. It reminded me how important this was.

So much about my pervious classes had bogged me down with how things were supposed to be. A majority of my classmates are already practicing photographers and sometimes I felt a little left behind. I have to remember that I’m not there for the same reasons as everyone else. Everyone has their own style and just because I’m not a portrait photographer and I have no interest in ever photographing a wedding, doesn’t mean I can’t be a really good or dare I say great photographer some day. I have a LONG way to go before I can give myself a title but if I don’t start taking myself seriously than who will?

So where am I going with all of this rambling? I promise I have a point. My main point is that I am going to be pulling back a lot from this blog. I’m still going to be posting but I’ve found it very refreshing to be a little less disconnected. I am, however, going to be working on a new blog project. I just started a new blog entitled “kat and camera.” This blog “something with a chance of other stuff” never has really had a focus, it was all about fun and crafty things that I’ve been doing in my life and with my family. “kat and camera” is going to be focused on my photography projects and my journey in school. I feel like I really need to start taking myself seriously if anyone else is going to take me seriously. I know I’m just a student and I have a long way to go but everyone has to start somewhere.

I want to say thank you so much for all the support everyone has given this blog. I promise this is not goodbye. I will still be posting and updating, I’m just heading in a new but very exciting direction. I love all of the people that come and read this blog. Every comment is so special to me. It’s time to grow and spread my wings and see what the next phase will be!


  1. i was just thinking the same thing about the blog world...but i love it so i will keep on going but yes work, etsy & blogging is a lot.. and i we have families and friends that we can't ignore. that is why i only blog when i have a moment of free time or no one is around and it is me time! i will follow your new exciting new blog project! sounds great!


  2. Well good luck in your new blogging venture, and I hope you do keep this blog updated too. I really enjoy reading it.
    I hear you about the stress levels though, but sometimes being disconnected like that can really help can't it?
