Yes, I know the title has horrible grammar, but I couldn’t help myself.
Recently I’ve come to a conclusion; I don’t have the best style in the world. I try and pretend like I’m “hip” and “trending” but I fall pretty short of all those cliché terms. I came to another conclusion after I realized my lack of style; I’m okay with that. When I go clothing shopping I tend to go for comfort more than the latest styles. I prefer my jeans to a skirt and my flats to high heels. It’s not that I don’t like fashion or I don’t have a style at all, I’m just a little lazier about it.
Now here comes the mom card. I am the proud mother of a soon to be three year old little girl. Most of the time I’m having tea parties, dancing, and playing outside, all of these acts don’t really constitute for a cute floral pattern dress and sexy vintage kitten heals. I know it’s an excuse a lot of mothers use as to why they where sweat pants and hoodies all the time. I’m glad to say I am at least a step above wearing my pajama’s all day, but sometimes I just want to wear my tye dyed Dave Matthews Band t-shirt and call it a day.
I’ve never really had the best fashion sense in the world either. When I was a little kid I wore over sized jeans and huge t-shirt, most of the time those t-shirt has wolves on them or they were my soccer shirts. I hide a lot behind my clothes. As I got older I started to express myself more and more through my clothing. I went through a crazy stage of black eye liner and leather pants. I have had my hair dyed blue, green, platinum blonde, and there was an attempted orange that failed and I was called “Tang” for a long time. I also had a pair of bright orange pants that I wore almost religiously. They were so comfortable and loud! I miss those pants a lot now that I think about it.
Above is a photo of my two best friends from high school and myself. Please note I am the one in the orange pants... yeah... I know... they're awesome ^_^As I went on to college my style didn’t change a whole lot. I still wore my dark make up, but I switched from wearing bright colors to wearing black ALL THE TIME! I wore a red shirt one day and my theater Professor was actually shocked and stopped in the middle of class to comment on the color. I also wore a spiky belt at all time, which I still have but I never wear.
I'm not 100% sure what I was doing in this photo. I know that we were rehearsing a scene for a play. I wore the zebra t-shirt a lot in college. Who doesn't love zebras?As I got older my fashion started to change and I just became a pretty average person. While working at a salon I started to try a little harder, mainly because I had to. I did my hair, learned how to do my make up, and dressed nice. Most of the time I was told I looked like an elementary school teacher, which I think it pretty nice, but a far cry from my former style.
This is my sad little shoe collection. I wear shoes hard so I go through them really fast. I have to mention my Crocs. My dad bought them for me for Christmas this past year, and I have to say they are so comfortable! They are a close second to my old vans, I wore those shoes till they talked to me.I still like pretty things and I’d love to wear dresses with lots of pretty accessories and things but it’s just not practical at this point in my life. I am going to make it a point to try and look nicer every day. I think it’s important for a woman to feel like she looks good when she looks in the mirror. I don’t think I’ve really done my hair or put make up on in five months, and I think it’s a good time to start. I don’t plan on going over the top; I’m just going to try to avoid the t-shirts more often and wear something cute, and maybe slightly stylish.
This is one of my more stylish outfits. Its very comfortable of course. The necklace is from a great seller on Etsy. My friends bought me it for my wedding present and I wear it all the time. Rock My World Inc. was able to take my finger print, my husbands finger print, and out daughters finger print, and made a beautiful heart pendent. I love itI think there is this stereo type for a lot of blogger, crafters, and artists. Somehow we are supposed to be very fashion forward stylish individuals. I think a lot of times that is true. I do really enjoy blogs where people post their outfits of the day; I read a lot of them daily. It gives me a little inspiration to try something new myself. I wouldn’t expect that to be coming from this blog anytime soon, but I’ll keep reading and following them myself.
This is another outfit I wear a lot. I got the shirt from Target when I was pregant with Aurora but I love it so much I still wear it. It's not a materity shirt, it's just very flowing.What are you opinions of fashion? Do you have any horror style phases that you went through? I’d love to hear about them!
Aurora was helping me with my little fashion photo shoot, and wanted me to take pictures of her too. ^_^
Aurora in her fairy dress, isn't she lovely?
While I was lining up my shoes Aurora went, and got all of hers and put them in a line too.